Saturday 2 May 2009

LAN - ROME / wall2 definition and construction

Preparing the construction: having a number of different elements ready to be ‘cooked’ from grasshopper to rhino, checking that the surfaces defining each brick’s model were closed, and calibrating the surface to be milled on our physical bricks dimensions, checking in rhinocam the construction and exporting the construction file.

Construction: the cnc machine needed some calibration (we had some ‘invisible brick’ issue), but most of all everything needed a strong finishing process, to be done at Solido workplace.
Some photos here:

Then it was time for PechaKucha night!

LAN - ROME / software overview and wall definition

Lessons included overviews on Lan’s workshops and technology applications, overview on Grasshopper and applications of several main subjects (data handling, patterning, random definitions, smart components), description of existing rapid prototype construction methods, Rhinocam overview, scripting methods overview.

These techniques of course were used to produce the wallⁿ, built result of the workshop. Between the definitions of all the participants we chose the one definition that was going to be built and prepared its construction.

LAN - ROME / hardware overview

SOLIDO was partner for the construction of the workshop’s results, and thanks to Filippo we could see and use several Cnc machines, as well as do the finishing of our wall construction in Solido’s lab.

We could see another machine in Technopolis, Rome, and its application in building visitors’ faces – this machine was also used to build final workshop’s wall, with polystyrene bricks 25cmX19cmX10cm.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Parametric wall in Grasshopper

This video explores the parametric modifications of a smart wall defined in Grasshopper. Through changing parameter values in sliders, we can change the shape and the behaviour of the object. In this case of study the green sphere is considered as an attractor that modifies the shape of the wall and the pattern/radius of the holes. We can regulate the opacity/permeability of the wall in order to preserve privacy or achieve trasparency in local areas of the wall. Let's replace in our imagination the green ball with a sofa. The wall could wrap a little bit around it, and moreover it could close its holes in proximity of the couch and open them in surrounding areas, in order to let light pass through without affecting the privacy of the "sofa area".

Anthropomorphic in Action

One of the faces made at TecnoTown in Rome. The machine in question is an anthromorphic cnc with six axes. Was very funny to see in action this little beast which cost about 20.000euros!
First We did a 3D scan of our faces and then We moved to the CNC that worked on a polystyrene brick sized 25cmX19cmX10cm.

....In this case Monika Wittig has put the face :)

Monday 30 March 2009

Welcome grasshoppe'R'oman's users!

First post of this blog that will cover the issues of digital, parametric and generative architecture made with grasshopper.
Will follow the works done by students during the workshop LAN ON SITE @ ROME organized by LAN architecture.
There's more!
This blog is meant to be a meeting point for all users of grasshopper. A place for exchange of ideas and recommendations on the use of this generative software.
to be continue...