Saturday, 2 May 2009

LAN - ROME / wall2 definition and construction

Preparing the construction: having a number of different elements ready to be ‘cooked’ from grasshopper to rhino, checking that the surfaces defining each brick’s model were closed, and calibrating the surface to be milled on our physical bricks dimensions, checking in rhinocam the construction and exporting the construction file.

Construction: the cnc machine needed some calibration (we had some ‘invisible brick’ issue), but most of all everything needed a strong finishing process, to be done at Solido workplace.
Some photos here:

Then it was time for PechaKucha night!

LAN - ROME / software overview and wall definition

Lessons included overviews on Lan’s workshops and technology applications, overview on Grasshopper and applications of several main subjects (data handling, patterning, random definitions, smart components), description of existing rapid prototype construction methods, Rhinocam overview, scripting methods overview.

These techniques of course were used to produce the wallⁿ, built result of the workshop. Between the definitions of all the participants we chose the one definition that was going to be built and prepared its construction.

LAN - ROME / hardware overview

SOLIDO was partner for the construction of the workshop’s results, and thanks to Filippo we could see and use several Cnc machines, as well as do the finishing of our wall construction in Solido’s lab.

We could see another machine in Technopolis, Rome, and its application in building visitors’ faces – this machine was also used to build final workshop’s wall, with polystyrene bricks 25cmX19cmX10cm.