Wednesday 1 April 2009

Parametric wall in Grasshopper

This video explores the parametric modifications of a smart wall defined in Grasshopper. Through changing parameter values in sliders, we can change the shape and the behaviour of the object. In this case of study the green sphere is considered as an attractor that modifies the shape of the wall and the pattern/radius of the holes. We can regulate the opacity/permeability of the wall in order to preserve privacy or achieve trasparency in local areas of the wall. Let's replace in our imagination the green ball with a sofa. The wall could wrap a little bit around it, and moreover it could close its holes in proximity of the couch and open them in surrounding areas, in order to let light pass through without affecting the privacy of the "sofa area".


francesco bagni said...

who has the final slides from the pecha kucha presentation? i suggest we put them in a post, and group all the material we want to add from the workshop in a limited amount of posts - then we move on, and look for newer definitions!

francesco bagni said...

vittorio did you see you had positive reviews for this definition on facebook!

Vittorio Menna said...

hi francesco!
yes i saw it, thanx!
i didn't expect it!
enjoy greece,
c ya soon